Fully integrated, turn-key HPC Cluster Solutions


EclipseClusters are comprised of proven building blocks from our Eclipse line of computational systems, Horizon storage arrays, interconnects, networks and software tools all designed to maximize utilization and minimize “wall-clock” time.

Our EclipseClusters are custom configured to your specifications, or in collaboration with Aeon Computing staff who can advise on the best configurations to tackle specific codes or applications. EclipseClusters are delivered turn-key and ready for science with complete tested hardware, operating system environment, networking configured and optimized, MPI and scheduler and management/monitoring environments set up.

Most importantly EclipseClusters come with Aeon Computing technical support. Technical support from engineers with real high-performance computing experience in Infiniband, MPI, schedulers, compilers and storage environments. More than just simple hardware break-fix support or regurgitated hardware manufacturer support.