Global File-System / Storage


High-Performance Global File-System / Storage

Lustre File System
· Scalable High-performance file system
· Support for thousands of nodes & many petabytes of capacity
· Proven performance
· Production-quality stability and resource failover
· Maintained as Open Source software by Whamcloud, recently acquired by Intel Corporation
· POSIX compliant filesystem
· Supports FDR Infiniband, QDR Infiniband, 40Gb Ethernet /10Gb Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet. Also support multi-rail and multi-network service.

GlusterFS Clustered Filesystem
· Scalable High-performance file system
· Built on top of FUSE (Filesystem In Userspace) and can be deployed without Linux kernel modifications
· Proven performance
· Maintained as Open Source software
· POSIX compliant filesystem
· Supports FDR and QDR Infiniband, 40Gb Ethernet /10Gb Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet